Anyone who transports dangerous goods (aka: hazardous materials or HazMat in the U.S.) must be aware of the latest news from the Canadian government’s Transport Canada. One way to do this is to subscribe to the Transport Dangerous Goods Newsletter.…
Significant Changes and Amendments to the 55th Edition (2014) of the IATA DGR
The Dangerous Goods Regulations of the International Air Transportation Association (IATA) are the standards used by most of the airline industry throughout the world. If you intend to ship hazardous materials (aka: Dangerous Goods), either domestically (within the US) or…
Subscribe to the Transport Canada Dangerous Goods Newsletter
If you are involved with the transportation of hazardous materials/dangerous goods between the US and Canada or just interested in our neighbor to the north, you should be aware of the Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) of Transport Canada. One way…
Transportation of Hazardous Materials Between the US and Canada
Persons responsible for the safe transportation of hazardous materials within the U.S., known as HazMat Employees, must receive the training required by the US DOT at 49 CFR 172, Subpart H. If you only ship hazardous materials domestically, by highway…