As a state authorized to create and enforce its own regulations, Texas has taken distinctive measures to protect its air, land, and water resources from the impacts of the regulated industry within its borders. From my limited scope of the regulations pertaining to waste (hazardous waste, universal waste, used oil, & non-hazardous industrial waste) I can say that understanding the regulations of the TCEQ – not to mention compliance with them – can be a challenge.
TCEQ regulates hazardous and non-hazardous waste from both industrial and non-industrial facilities.
All businesses in Texas must comply with the applicable regulations of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). |
But to their credit, the TCEQ provides a multitude of tools for your use; one of them that I make great use of is a subscription to the TCEQ Rules e-Mail Updates. More information is available on the TCEQ website: TCEQ Rules EMail Updates, or if you’re ready to subscribe now you may sign up as a new subscriber: Sign up for e-mail updates or, change your existing profile to include it: Access your user profile to add this subscription.
By subscribing you’ll receive updates on all topics before the TCEQ, whether it’s a new rule or a schedule for a public hearing. To give you an idea of the information available I have included below an entry for the week of April 11, 2014:
Items filed with the Chief Clerk for Future Agenda(s):
- None
Items Continued or Remanded for Future Agenda(s):
- Adoption, SB 1727: Light-Duty Motor Vehicle Purchase or Lease Incentive Program (Rule Project: 2013-039-114-AI) has been moved to the April 30, 2014 Agenda.
New Rule Projects Approved by the Executive Director:
- None
Items Submitted for Texas Register Publication:
- Adoption, SB 1727: Emissions Reduction Incentive Grants Program, (Rule Project No. 2013-036-114-AI)
- Adoption, SB 1727: Drayage Truck Incentive Program, (Rule Project No. 2013-037-114-AI)
- Adoption, SB 1727: Emissions Reduction Incentive Grants Program, (Rule Project No. 2013-038-114-AI)
Petition for Rulemaking Received:
- None
More information can be found in the TCEQ Rule Projects database.
As I indicated above, I’ve been subscribed for over a year now and have found it a welcome weekly notice in my email: a quick scan to see if there is any information of interest to me, a deeper look if necessary, and then deleting it and moving on knowing that nothing that affects my business is going to happen in Texas that week. Take advantage of this free tool from the TCEQ to assist you in complying with the State of Texas regulations.
If you need training, then consider these options:
Any employee who is involved in generation or handling of hazardous waste at an LQG must be trained annually
- Attend my one-day, all-Texas, training seminars. I spend 8 hours covering nothing but the generation, management, and off-site transportation of waste (hazardous waste, universal waste, used oil, & non-hazardous industrial waste) in Texas.
- Onsite Training. Delivered right to your door and containing only the Texas-specific regulations that you and your personnel need to know. Train everybody all at once for one low, flat fee.
And if you don’t need training, then don’t hesitate to contact me with a questions. I’m glad to help.