FAQ: How much will the e-Manifest System charge per manifest?

FAQ: How much will the e-Manifest System charge per manifest?

USEPA will impose a per manifest fee for each manifest submitted to the e-Manifest System based on the type (paper or electronic) and mode of submission (mail, data upload, image file upload).  The final fee schedule for the system launch on June 30, 2018 has not been determined as of April 2018. USEPA will publish the final fee schedule to the program’s website prior to the system launch.

USEPA did publish estimates of the initial fees in the preamble of the January 3, 2018 User Fee Rule.  As of the issuance of the Fee Rule, the best estimates for the initial per manifest fees were:

  • $4.00 for an electronic manifest (including hybrid).
  • $7.00 for a data file upload of paper manifest data.
  • $13.00 for the upload of paper manifest image.
  • $20.00 for submission of a paper manifest form by mail.

The launch of the e-Manifest System is coming!  June 30, 2018.  Be prepared.  There will be a lot of changes to how a hazardous waste is shipped off-site for disposal or recycling.

Contact me with any questions you may have about the generation, identification, management, and disposal of hazardous waste

Daniels Training Services, Inc.


