49 CFR 172.504 contains the HMR’s General Placarding Requirements. It is here where the Placarding Tables 1 & 2 are found [§172.504(e)] and the explanation of the DANGEROUS placard option at §172.504(b). Here also is the shocking exception from displaying a placard for a non-bulk packaging of a hazardous material from Placarding Table 2 if the aggregate gross weight of vehicle HazMat is <1,001 lbs. But the purpose of this article is to explain and illustrate the exception from placarding for the NON-FLAMMABLE GAS placard on a transport vehicle pursuant to 49 CFR 172.504(f)(3).
49 CFR 172.504(f) is the location for Additional Placarding Exceptions. §172.504(f)(3) reads:
A NON-FLAMMABLE GAS placard is not required on a transport vehicle which contains non-flammable gas if the transport vehicle also contains flammable gas or oxygen and it is placarded with FLAMMABLE GAS or OXYGEN placards, as required.
This exception, like all the others, is an option available to Carriers of HazMat if they choose; it is not a requirement. For example, the carrier in the picture is displaying the NON-FLAMMABLE GAS placard despite the fact that the FLAMMABLE GAS PLACARD is already displayed as required.
Placards for Non-Flammable Gas need not be displayed on a vehicle if the conditions of 49 CFR 172.504(f)(3) are met
The Hazardous Material Regulations of the PHMSA/USDOT are filled with exceptions like this. Taking advantage of these exceptions can be an advantage for your business. And, compliance with the HMR will ensure you are not subjected to monetary penalties. Please contact me if you require HazMat Employee training for your employees who operate a motor vehicle or anyone who is directly responsible for the safe transportation of HazMat.
Daniels Training Services 815.821.1550 |