An update to this web-based tool provides increased functionality
The I-WASTE Tool was developed by USEPA’s Homeland Security Research Program to assist responsible parties with clean-up in the aftermath of a terrorist attack, natural disaster, or chemical, biological, or radiological incident. The handling of large volumes of waste generated by attacks, disasters, and incidents poses a significant challenge to communities, and all levels of government already reeling from the cause of the waste. The I-WASTE tool was designed by the USEPA to assist these persons by providing access to information in the form of databases and tools to use that information. The USEPA I-WASTE Tool provides:
- Information on the types and volumes of waste materials and potential contaminants generated during an incident.
- Location and contact information for potential treatment/disposal facilities.
- Health and safety information to ensure public and worker safety during the removal, transport, treatment, and disposal of contaminated waste and debris.
Recently Added Features (Version 6.1):
- A wide-area waste quantity estimator for use in calculating waste disposal amounts for events involving several structures. Calculations may include building structural materials if it is necessary to demolish the entire building.
- Updates to several databases of available treatment, storage, disposal, and recycling facilities for waste generated during an event.
Download and read the USEPA Technical Brief (pdf): EPA’s Incident Waste Assessment & Tonnage Estimator (I-WASTE)
For more information, visit the NHSRC website:
The I-WASTE Tool is available at: You will need to request a user ID name and password to log on.
Technical Contact: Paul Lemieux,
While this tool is meant for the aftermath of a terrorist attack, natural disaster, chemical, biological, or radiological incident, the regulatory requirement to conduct a hazardous waste determination and properly dispose of all waste you generate applies to everyone. Contact me if you have any questions about the generation, management, and disposal of hazardous waste.