eMail of May 13, 2020: As discussed on the phone this afternoon, <<Company>> is a specialty chemical company supplying a wide range of Industrial Chemicals, some of which are considered hazardous (most because they contain either caustic or acidic components…
Got a Question? Dear Mr. Daniels…The Empty Packaging Exception and the HazMat Endorsement on the CDL
One of the things I love about my business is being able to answer someone’s question about the transportation of hazardous materials or the management of hazardous waste. Some questions have an easy answer, but a complicated explanation, and those…
The “RCRA Empty” Exemption from Hazardous Waste Regulation
The federal regulations of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) at 40 CFR 261.7(a)(1) read, “Any hazardous waste remaining in either: an empty container; or an inner liner removed from an empty container, as defined in paragraph (b) of this…