A question received through my website (Contact me) on March 16, 2016:
In addition to the DOT-SP number being listed on the hazmat shipping paper, are you also required to send a copy of the DOT-SP with the hazmat shipment? We are primarily shipping 2.2 compressed gas with the DOT-SP stamped on the bottle. Thanks
My reply that same day:
The requirement to provide a copy of the special permit with the shipment will be indicated on the special permit.
In its general conditions the special permit will also require that everyone who must comply with its conditions must have a copy available. Therefore, if the conditions of the special permit require any awareness of them by the carrier or the receiving facility, then you must provide a copy of it for them. However, there are many special conditions that can function without the participation of the carrier or the receiving facility – and sometimes – the shipper.
That being said, it doesn’t hurt to provide a copy of the special permit with the shipping papers and instruct persons who may come in contact with it of their use.
I hope this helps. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any other questions.