Q&A: What hazard communication (marks, labels, & placards) are required on a bulk packaging and a vehicle transporting a bulk packaging?

Q&A: What hazard communication (marks, labels, & placards) are required on a bulk packaging and a vehicle transporting a bulk packaging?

Q&A: What hazard communication (marks, labels, & placards) are required on a bulk packaging and a vehicle transporting a bulk packaging?


If I have a single 55 gallon drum that weighs over 882 is it considered a bulk… Hold it right there!


In an earlier article I addressed the false premise contained in that first question and explained that the packaging described (55-gallon drum) is not a bulk packaging and is violation of the HMR if it has a maximum net mass of more than 882 lbs; I suggest you read that article first (Q&A: Is a 55-gallon drum that weighs more than 882 pounds a bulk packaging?). In this article I’ll answer the remaining questions poased as if it is a bulk packaging (it isn’t).


“…and would it require a un number…”?


“…and would it require a un number”?

  • Yes. The HazMat’s identification number must be marked on both a bulk and non-bulk packaging.
  • There are several options for the display of the identification number on a bulk packaging:

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International and Domestic

Daniels Training Services, Inc.





“next question if I have a bulk container that requires a un number but I also have non bulk waste under the same un number do I have to placard my trailer with both the un number and a class placard or will the un number cover both.”?

  • Both the placard and identification number must be displayed on the vehicle.
  • If the identification number displayed on a bulk packaging is not visible in transportation, e.g., it is inside a cargo trailer, then it is necessary to display the identification number on all four sides of the vehicle.
  • A bulk packaging containing any amount of any HazMat requires the vehicle to display the applicable placard for the HazMat on all four sides of the vehicle.
  • In this case the vehicle must display the identification number and the applicable placard for the HazMat in the bulk packaging. This can be displayed in one of three ways:
    • The identification number may be displayed on the placard.
    • The identification number may be displayed near the placard on an orange panel.
    • The identification number may be displayed near the placard on a white square-on-point.
  • If an identification number is displayed on a vehicle it must represent all of the HazMat of that Class in the vehicle. Since you indicate you have a bulk and non-bulk packaging of the same identification number, a placard representing the Class and the identification number must be displayed on all four sides of the vehicle. Read: When not to Display and ID# on a Vehicle

I hope this helps. Please contact me with any other questions.


A tough question because the inquisitor started with an incorrect understanding that its OK for a 55-gallon drum to weigh more than 882 lb – it’s not!

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