Customer Testimonials

Daniels Training Services review summary

5  576
4  22
3  1
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652 Reviews

5on Google,Apr 24, 2024


Daniel's training is both comprehensive and personalized. He provides us with all the necessary information and patiently answers our questions. Daniel is always willing to facilitate and accommodate our needs and he has a thorough command of the program he provides. If you decide to give him a try, you won't be disappointed and you'll never look back.

5on BirdEye,Apr 22, 2024


Fantastic training. Easy to understand, well-organized, and not nearly as complicated as other training because of how the information is presented. I also appreciate being able to contact the company with questions. Daniel is a great presenter and very knowledgeable. You're an amazing asset to the EHS community.

5on Google,Apr 18, 2024


Received very in-depth and detailed training. Thanks!

5on BirdEye,Apr 17, 2024


Daniel always does a great job, very informative and clear.

5on Google,Apr 12, 2024


Excellent material preparation - completely tailored to our needs. Engaging presentation. Learned a lot and feel confident with the regs and expectations of my role. I have delivered over 200 trainings in my field and I was very impressed with Daniel and will be borrowing many of his tricks to keep the audience engaged and educated at the same time.

5on Google,Apr 11, 2024


Great training. Very professional, and site specific. Thank you.

5on BirdEye,Apr 11, 2024


Very knowledgeable and does a great job with presenting material.

5on BirdEye,Apr 10, 2024


The presenter did a really good job at presenting the information on the slides. The presenter kept my attention during the presentations. The presenter represented good knowledge of the information being presented.

5on Google,Apr 10, 2024


Daniel was enthusiastic throughout the 8 hour presentation, and welcomed class interaction. I would be happy to take a course with him again. 04/10/2024: came back for DOT and IATA Dangerous Goods training for 8 and 4 hours respectively. Always informative and engaging!

5on Google,Apr 01, 2024


Daniel knows his stuff and will be a great asset to any company needing training in the Hazmat world.

5on Google,Mar 21, 2024


Very detailed, learned a lot during this training.

5on Google,Mar 18, 2024


The webinar covered the requirements for hazardous waste shipments for LQG and SQG operations plus changes in the last few years. The presentation was good and concise.

5on BirdEye,Mar 18, 2024


I asked a question about diesel fuel tank and had a response from Daniel in 2 hours. I appreciate his service.

5on Google,Mar 18, 2024


Daniel is a great trainer. He has been helping us provide hazardous waste training to our folks for a couple of years now. His presentations are customized for us and are put together well. He is very good at keeping the trainings on time and the format that he uses really helps learners remember key information. Highly recommend his services if you need training.

5on BirdEye,Mar 18, 2024


good information

5on BirdEye,Mar 15, 2024


There were a lot of things brought to light that I either was unclear on or hadn't heard in the past. This was a great training geared towards our work.

5on BirdEye,Mar 15, 2024


Very good training, A lot of material clearly discussed.

5on BirdEye,Mar 12, 2024

Wilson Risinger, VP Safety, KLLM Transport Services,

Daniels Training Services, did a great job for our company creating content for some specialized training we needed. Very knowledgeable, they are experts in the HazMat training and information. They are an excellent resource for our company!

5on Google,Mar 06, 2024


Daniel is perfect for web based training! His engaging voice, preparedness and teaching skills make the training enjoyable and memorable.

5on BirdEye,Mar 05, 2024


Daniels is an amazing resource for understanding the seemingly endless rules and exceptions we encounter daily when working with hazmat. I am looking forward to attending the next class here this fall! Thank you for all you do!

5on BirdEye,Feb 29, 2024


Very organized and informative. Content delivery was executed very well. Stayed on schedule with adequate breaks. Well done.

5on BirdEye,Feb 22, 2024


Enthusiastic and kept things moving along.

5on Google,Feb 21, 2024


This was detailed and was not a sleeper session!