FAQ: When is HazMat Employee Driver Training not Required?

FAQ: When is HazMat Employee Driver Training not Required?

Here’s a question from someone who attended one of my Training Seminars (now suspended) on October 8, 2015:

Dan did you say in training that companies can use a hazmat drivers license as hazmat training and not train them on hazmat every three years?

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My response later that day (10.8.15):

USDOT regulations allow the HazMat Employer to rely on a driver’s maintenance of their CDL (with routine testing and renewal required by their state) as compliance with the requirement to train HazMat drivers at 49 CFR 177.816.

However, this does not preclude the requirement to provide triennial HazMat Employee Training.
It is also important to note that a Commercial Driver’s License is only required if a motor vehicle transports a quantity of HazMat that requires placarding.  It is quite possible that a driver of a motor vehicle transporting HazMat does not require placarding nor a CDL.
In other words, HazMat Employee Training is required every three years for the operator of a motor vehicle transporting any amount of HazMat, but the HazMat Employer may opt out of providing the additional Driver Training if they feel the maintenance of the CDL with endorsements is sufficient.

Daniels Training Services




Read this article of mine for more information:  USDOT Driver Training Requirements.

I hope this helps.  Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any other questions.
Got a question about training your HazMat Drivers or any other HazMat Employee?  Contact me and I’ll be glad to help.